Kategorie: NEWS
review of Grünewald’s Loriot

if you are looking for an edutaining book for christmas i can recommend the ‚little‘ book of Dietrich Grünewald, former professor for art ed at the University of Koblenz-Landau, about the grafic art of the German well known actor and comedian Loriot. my review is ready to support your purchase […]
academy of FA Munich

let us join this lovely event offered by the academy of fine arts in Munich in cooperation with the catholic university of Eichstätt. Who else than Prof. Dr. Johannes Kirschenmann invites art educators and researchers to elaborate the challenge of the digital area in current education situations. together with the […]
lehre n @toepfer-stiftung

deeply moved: i got the pitch to be a scholar of the Toepfer Foundation during the program „Lehren – Das Bündnis für Hochschullehre“ for the term 2020! that means that i’ll be joining a community of professionals 5 times next year at the wonderful Schloss Hasenwinkel close to Bibowsee in […]
review of creativity

let me introduce you to the new book of Prof. Dr. Frank Schulz who’s teaching art education at the University of Leipzig/Germany. together with Karola Schöppe, he edited a very interesting point of view on how to connect the term ’sustainability‘ with the academic understanding of creativity. i’m happy to […]
symposium NEXTCOMIC

it’s the first time that the local austrian NEXTCOMIC festival event will be discussed in an academic context. besides that, i’m glad to have the PH OÖ as well as the NEXTCOMIC as my partners to host international guests in march 2020. the full programm with a schedule will be […]
host @kunstakademie

seize the day, seize the year: in 2020, i’ll start my art ed year by being the host of a panel discussion at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dusseldorf. Prof. Dr. Bering will hold his last symposium about the topic „art class & bildung“ and I am honored to […]
lecture @hamburg LI

busy busy being, I’ll be giving a lecture at the teacher training program institut ‚LI‘ of the city of Hamburg. everybody loves Hamburg, so do I – and I am happy to share my knowledge and experiences as a former teacher for the IB level with students who are currently […]
lecture @uni-dortmund.de

happy to announce a fall lecture this year at the University of Dortmund. it’s an honor to be part of the semester lecture ‚Introduction into art education‘ of my dear colleague PD Dr. Andreas Zeising who’s substituting the former professor for art education Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Busse who marked an […]
Book No 6 – (NEXT)COMIC

„Ran an die Wand, rein in die Vitrine?!“ is finally published at kopaed in Munich. the book will include all the speakers‘ and artists‘ contributions of the conference that couldn’t happen in March 2020 due to COVID-19, in cooperation with NEXTCOMIC Festival Linz and PH OÖ. enjoy reading!
Review Swiss Symposium

it’s always a pleasure to discover my name and activities mentioned in a review or an essay. thx to Verena Widmaier to write about the symposium in Switzerland I was honored to join in February this year. being creative and creARTive need to connect for good art education 🙂 download […]