bilateral online lecture series

in 2020/21, Switzerland (my dear colleague Prof. Dr. Nicole Berner of PH FHNW) and Austria will be connected in the field of higher art education in the form of a bilateral online lecture series.

we are amazed to announce the commitment of the following highly appreciated guests:

Heike Ackermann, Elmar Anhalt, Amalia Barboza, Johannes Bilstein, Dorit Bosse, Richard Brand, Jan Eickelberg, Beate Florenz, Lisbeth Freiß, Edith Glaser-Henzer, Gerrit Höfferer, Michael Hofstetter, Christina Inthoff, Yves Karlen, ki-macht-schule, Dorothée King, Gloria Meynen, Martin Oswald, Iwan Pasuchin, Joachim Penzel, Alexander Repenning, Swaran Sandhu, Ansgar Schnurr, Michael Shamiyeh, Jutta Standop, Rainer Wenrich, Stefan Wilsmann.

the event has got two components:

  •  if you want to join the event or even a part of the event just watch the recorded interviews as OER in advance. every interview will be uploaded one week before the final Live-Talk.
  • the Live-Talk is on Wednesday evening from 7-7.30 pm. please scroll down for the zoom login.

to download the full schedule please click here.

Live-Talk Beate Florenz & Rainer Wenrich

Meeting-ID: 884 8938 2587
Kenncode: thKtH9