Kategorie: NEWS
review for Peez

it’s necessary to say that basics are essential for every kind of ‚Bildung‘. that’s why i wrote a review about the 5th edition of „introduction to art education“ by Prof. Dr. Georg Peez of the University of Frankfurt a.M. in Germany. it’s published in the journal 2/2018 of the Austrian […]
mention in review – urbanity

a lot of events are happening, so it’s nice to have a reason to remember the symposium about urbanity at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dusseldorf last November. i was talking about the toynbee tiles and the difficulty of a research approach to urban art. Read here the review!
Review Symposium Causa

Look at the past! Do you remember the symposium Causa didactica in November last year? Prof. Nicole Berner (University of Northwest Switzerland) wrote a review about the academic debate in the art ed journal BDK-Mitteilungen (Germany). To remember more images of the event click here! For the full review please […]
review1 – Graphic Novel

so happy to read the first review about our white, black & pink big one, the graphic novel about narratives in art education. thank you Barbara for the great support! It is published in the art ed jounal „BDK-Mitteilungen“ in Germany! Looking forward to amaze more readers in the art ed […]
book release party

what a wonderful celebration of our graphic novel during the Next Comic Festival 2018! thx to everyone who supported this project. it was a pleasure to have Prof. Dr. Jaqueline Berndt as a host. Funny, deep and welcoming – that’s how i like my job! thx to the gorgeous Sarah Schmidt […]
Symposium KREATIV

here we go again. another year, another symposium in a row. this time with special guest from Switzerland, of our Erasmus-Partner University of Giessen, Cluster-Partners from Salzburg and together with my dear colleague Mario Zeppetzauer of the Dep. Industrial Design. finally, it’s gonna be a transdisciplinary debate about creativity. join […]
next comic festival

ladies & gentlemen, let me proudly announce the book release of our graphic novel about the presence and history of art class. the book will be published by Christian Bachmann in Berlin. but you can buy it directly in Linz if you stop by during the Next Comic Festival. the […]

happy about that announcement in the art educational journal in Germany about Silvi’s success. thank you BDK!
Book No4 – Graphic Novel

whoop whoop – for the city of Linz, for my students in Linz – whoop whoop! order you book online: Ch. A. Bachmann-Verlag Berlin book release during the NEXT COMIC FESTIVAL 2018, join us on Friday 3/16 at 3pm for a talk with Prof. Dr. Jaqueline Berndt of the University […]
Stifter blogs

interested in some funny thoughts about art now and then? go ahead and follow Wolfgang Stifter’s blog about his favorite artist nowadays – besides himself 🙂 read his statement on the website of the Museum Angerlehner in Wels.