Kategorie: NEWS
lecture @QUA-LiS NRW

happy to announce a break within my vacay for a lecture about inclusive education. always dedicated to better schools! 2019/09/02 „Was ist guter inklusiver Kunstunterricht? Qualitätsstandards für zieldifferente Lernumgebungen forschungs- und unterrichtsbasiert entwickeln“, Qualitäts- und UnterstützungsAgentur – Landesinstitut für Schule NRW (QUA-LiS NRW), Referat für Inklusion und Förderschulen
essays about research

finally, it’s out now: my dear colleagues Ruth Kunz & Maria Peters edited an overview about the current understanding of (artistic) research in art education. the book „der professionalisierte blick“ is available in Munich/kopaed. click here to order! i am happy to contribute an essay („Kunstuniversität Linz als Seismograph“) and […]
review by Ernst

sometimes things take a little bit longer. finally, the review about my first symposium about the term and prefix ‚transit‘ was published in the art ed journal Kunst+Unterricht. thank you so much Dr. Ernst Wagner for taking your time ♥ download here or here
review of Causa

thx to that fair review of the congress book „Causa didactica“ by Anika Hoettgen. amazed to get that support and hell yeah, stay creARTive.
review @creative symp

what a surprise to read the review about the symposium about creativity in October 2018 written by Bernhard Reichenbach. so busy always that I forget that we had a really great time to kick off the winter term. that’s why I’m grateful that Bernhard took some time to reflect about […]
essay with Robert

end of the year but not end of doing business – have a look at my new essay I wrote together with my dear colleague Robert Schneider-Reisinger of the PH Salzburg about inclusive education in higher education, published in the online-journal of inclusion – that means you can download it […]
review of Hübner

happy to support my dear colleague Robert Hübner of the University of Art & Design Linz with my review about his new book. check his green package, ready to order here!
recap @vernissage Salzamt

thx for sharing that wonderful opening of our exhibition at Salzamt Linz. in clearly four weeks of intense work my students came up with very precise photographs they got inspired by the artist in residence Damian Zimmermann. thx for supporting the young hearts. we were blessed to have your attention […]
review by K+U

happy to read a review about the Graphic Novel in the art ed journal ‚Kunst+Unterricht‚. thx to the author who appreciates my students‘ effort to cross between text & art on an academic level! check the review by Nina Heindl here:
Essay inclusive art ed

happy to share a current essay about inclusive art education with you guys. just download it here, published in the German Journal for Art Education ‚BDK-Mitteilungen‘ (3/2018). hands up 🙂