Kategorie: NEWS
essay with Kunstuni@students

2020 wasn’t that bad because in the end my students of the first lockdown semester and I, we’ve pulled all the possible outcomes into a core concept how to recreate as quick as possible a process of effective web learning sessions. so, yeah, thx Covid-19 to reframe significant questions what […]
bilateral online lecture series

in 2020/21, Switzerland (my dear colleague Prof. Dr. Nicole Berner of PH FHNW) and Austria will be connected in the field of higher art education in the form of a bilateral online lecture series. we are amazed to announce the commitment of the following highly appreciated guests: Heike Ackermann, Elmar […]
Review of Wilsmann

with a little bit of the well known Corona delay my review about my dearest colleague Dr. Stefan Wilsmann was published in the Austrian art ed journal BÖKWE. Stefan will be also our guest during the bilateral online lecture series in november. his book is really full of good energy […]
C-FD @Kunstuni

look what my dear colleague Michael Shamiyeh, head of the Center for Future Design, offers for the winter term. he invites everyone who wants to discuss future literacy. please join the settings every Thursday 3pm-5pm where you can meet other students and other perspectives!
Munich rescheduled

who wants to have a little more academic training and meet up for a symposion in the beautiful city of Munich? there’ll be the chance to get some good input from several very proper keynotes next year. the event is organized by Prof. Dr. Johannes Kirschenmann of the Academy of […]
conference review by Littke

thank you for mentioning me as a host for the conference of Prof. Kunibert Bering in Dusseldorf in January this year. thanks for letting me contribute a nice talk. Download.
conference review Munich

this b/w-photography by the art education student Maya Hermens was the invitation to the conference at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich in January this year. philosophers were discussing the understanding of education in times of digitalization. You can read here my conference review published in the German art education […]
review of Berner

my dear colleague in the Switzerland, Prof. Nicole Berner, presents an important survey about the concept Artist-in-Residence at School. Have a look at my review in the German art education journal BDK-Mitteilungen right here!
review of Kaiser

here’s another review in the actual art education journal „Kunst+Unterricht“, just to mention.
review of Kirschenmann

highly recommended the new book edited by Johannes Kirschenmann. read my review in the art education journal „Kunst+Unterricht“ here!