Monat: August 2019
Review Swiss Symposium
it’s always a pleasure to discover my name and activities mentioned in a review or an essay. thx to Verena Widmaier to write about the symposium in Switzerland I was honored to join in February this year. being creative and creARTive need to connect for good art education 🙂 download […]
lecture @QUA-LiS NRW
happy to announce a break within my vacay for a lecture about inclusive education. always dedicated to better schools! 2019/09/02 „Was ist guter inklusiver Kunstunterricht? Qualitätsstandards für zieldifferente Lernumgebungen forschungs- und unterrichtsbasiert entwickeln“, Qualitäts- und UnterstützungsAgentur – Landesinstitut für Schule NRW (QUA-LiS NRW), Referat für Inklusion und Förderschulen